

You can configure various settings of Geometry & Graphs in the Settings section.

The Settings panel of Geometry & Graphs Figure: The Settings panel of Geometry & Graphs.

Adding a background image

You can upload an image and use it as your construction background. Uploading images is not handled in the Geometry & Graphs question type but in the Assets tab in the menu at the top of the page.

Enabling the Assets tab in the menu bar Figure: Enabling the Assets tab in the menu bar.

To add the Assets tabel to the menu bar, click the gears icon to open the menu and select Assets. You can now select the image to upload and give it a name.

Uploading an image in the Assets tab Figure: Uploading an image in the Assets tab.

After uploading the image, you can select the image in the Settings of Geometry & Graphs. The question type will automatically adjust its height and width to match the image's aspect ratio.

The background image with some construction elements Figure: The background image with some construction elements.

Adding measurement tools

Geometry & Graphs offers various tools to measure lengths and angles.

  • The Protractor is for measuring angles. You can adjust the size using the point on the outer edge.
  • The Ruler is for measuring length. Use the right point to adjust the length of the ruler.
  • A Set square is a triangular-shaped ruler for measuring distances and angles. Geometry & Graphs offers two set squares with different angular scales. You cannot adjust the size of a set square. Instead, you can zoom in or out using the Zoom buttons in the toolbar.

Measurement tools in Geometry & Graphs Figure: Measurement tools in Geometry & Graphs.

You can select multiple measurement tools, but only one will be visible anytime. Students can switch measurement tools from the menu.

Enabling construction tools for students

Students will have access to only the tools you made available. Select the tools you want added to the student's toolbar.

The toolbar will be invisible if you select no tools at all, Students will still be able to select and drag points.

Other settings

The remaining settings are less common.

  • Autofocus applies to random exercises. If the coordinates of elements change for every new exercise, part of the construction might fall outside the canvas. Autofocus will automatically zoom and shift the canvas to make all construction elements visible.
  • Hide Element Labels. Every point you create in the canvas has an automatically assigned label, like AA, BB, etc. If you select Hide Element Labels, labels will not be visible when students create new points. You might want to use this option for questions that use the Graph tool.