Math Table

The Math Table question type

Tables are used almost everywhere in mathematics. Examples are:

  • Function tables displaying input and output values of a function or formula,
  • Series and sequences,
  • Tables as a tool to apply the Pythagorean Theorem,
  • Probability distribution tables,
  • Ratio tables as a tool to solve problems about proportional quantities or percentages,
  • Truth tables to summarize the options of a boolean relation.

You can use Math Table for all these applications.

Live exercises: Examples of Math Table. Use the selector to choose another example.


Flexible presentation

You can use Math Table to create many types of tables. Add rows, columns, and headers as needed, and add mathematical expressions, text, or input to cells. Optionally, add arrows above or below the table. These arrows can have input fields as well.

Automatic evaluation of cells and relations

The Math Table question type can automatically evaluate the expressions in each cell. However, many tables represent a relation between cells. Examples are:

  • A ratio table where values in the top and bottom rows are proportional.
  • A function table where the values represent inputs and outputs of the same function.
  • A series where the expressions correspond to the same (possibly recurring) relation.

Math Table can evaluate such relations while students decide what expressions to use in the table. Math Table validates if these expressions satisfy the underlying relation.

Live exercise: A random Math Table allowing freedom to choose values for xx.

Specialized table types

Math Table supports some specialized tables that you often find in math education:

  • Ratio tables are often used for questions about fractions, percentages, or proportionality. The ratio table specialization of Math Table allows you to create such tables, optionally with arrows above or below. Math Table can automatically check if the cells and arrows in the ratio table correspond to a valid ratio table.
  • Truth tables are used to investigate boolean relations. Math Table allows students to define boolean expressions and will correct if the corresponding boolean values are correct.

General features

Like the other question types, Math Table can run in assessment mode to prevent the student from seeing evaluation results, hints, or error feedback. This information is available during the review after the student submits the questions or tests.

Math Table also supports random questions. The live example above is an example of a random table.